What is Experiential Learning?
EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING is a kinesthetic style of team interaction that provides a highly effective and sustainable transformation. It uses games and initiatives that are designed to reveal each participant’s default behaviors and teach better behavioral habits.
What makes it Experiential?
KINESTHETIC. Experiential learning uses whole-body learning.
FUN. It is an amusing, interactive, and relational educational setting.
ENGAGING. Experiential learning places the learner in a tangible experience that is sequenced properly, is age appropriate, and enhances the learning outcome desired.
Individuals learn through engaging initiatives and activities that mirror real life. They catch participants doing what they typically do in those real-life situations. The time between when the default behavior is revealed and the outcome of the default behavior is compressed so the consequences of the decisions can easily be examined and improved.
BJ Penick uses experiential learning to teach the soft skills that are critical to success in the business world, such as teamwork, leadership, and communication. She facilitates games and initiatives in sessions tailored to your group or individual needs. More than the events, she asks the right questions before, during and after the experience to hyper-target learning objectives. Powerful facilitation allows conversations to begin, diversity to be discovered and a safe environment to be established.
Why does it work?
Starts a conversation that would otherwise not take place.
Develops relationships quickly through cooperation, communication and inclusion and is more than just a shared experience. A day of experiential learning is equal to three months of normal working conditions.
Enables a group to cultivate a common language or agreed upon terminology that adds meaning and increases sustainable results.
Fosters a sense of equality since all participants are equal in their knowledge of the initiatives and tasks. The unfamiliarity of the challenges and problems allows individuals to think and reason without hierarchy, encouraging hidden talent and skills to be discovered.
Highlights different strengths and identifies behaviors that work well. Each initiative is designed to enhance the awareness of personal behaviors. Modification of attitudes and actions can be practiced in a safe environment by setting small achievable goals.
Enables participants to see more clearly the connections between decisions and outcomes. Initiatives are designed to decrease the time cycle and accelerate group dynamics.
What are the results?
Time and again the outcomes of just a single day are:
Increased personal awareness
Common language
Sustainable transformation
Transfer of learning into practical applications that alter work and personal lives.
Through experiential learning, the learning is sustained beyond the events of the day.